Features OF C Language | Advantage of C Language

C is one of the oldest programming language in world. In this article we will know about the  Features of C Language. After reading this article you will be able to define the Application OF C Language, Uses OF C Language And  Advantage And Disadvantage Of C Language.
C is a structured programming language which was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Labs in 1972. It is known as a Middle level language  because it contains the features of both (Low Level Language And High Level Language).

Features Of C Language

Features OF C Language:

- Clarity: C Language is very close to English language so its syntax is clearer and understandable. Its Variable names And Function names are written in English. All operators of c, written in mathematics symbol so its very easy to understand.

- Portability: C language is a portable language that means code (C Program) written in one machine can run on another machine without any modification.

- Platform Dependent: C is platform dependent language but it is machine independent language that mean Code written in C can be run on different machine with same operating system but code written in one operating system can not run on another operating system. For Example, if you write a program for finding sum of two numbers and save the program as sum.exe using windows operating system, now you can execute the file (sum.exe) on any machine which has windows operating system but you can't execute the file on a machine which have Linux or any other operating system.

- Built in: There are a lot of Pre-Defined Functions in c for perform various type of tasks. it has only 32 keywords.

- Modularity: Modularity means to divide a big task into small subtasks, in c language we can divide a task into small sub-tasks and create a separate function for each sub-task.  

- Simplicity: C language is easy to learn and  easy to debug (debug means make a program error free). Because of its easiness it is widely used.

- Speed: Programs written in c are very efficient and fast because of its various type of operators and data-types.

- Compiler Based: C is a compiler based programming language that means without compilation no C program can be executed. We need a c compiler which can convert our source file to object file and create an executable file for execute our program.

- Dynamic Memory Allocation (DMA): Dynamic memory allocation is possible in c that mean programmer can create variables at run time in c.

- Pointers: C Language support the concept of Pointer variables. Pointer is a variable which can hold the address of another variable. Pointers directly point the memory location of another variables. In other words pointers tell us that where variable is stored in memory locations.

- Case Sensitive: C is a case sensitive language that means Lower alphabets and upper alphabets are considered as different in c language.

- Also Read: Keywords And Identifiers In C Language | Variable And Data Types In C Language

In This Article we learnt about the Features OF C Language, Application OF C Language, Uses OF C Language and Advantages OF C Language, Disadvantage OF C Language

- Also Read: Introduction To C | Basic Structure Of C Program

Thank You !!

Tags: Features OF C Language, Application OF C Language, USes OF C Language, Advantage OF C Language, Disadvantage OF C Language, C Language For BEgginers, C Language Basics, Introduction To C Language, C Language Basics